Laravel Development -

Laravel Development

What we do?

We do everything to showcase your digital presence and make you stand out from your competitors. Rediscover the image of your business with a strong virtual presence.

Why Laravel?

Laravel is an open source PHP web application framework, used by professional Laravel developers to beginners. Laravel is designed for the development of professional website applications. Laravel is listed as the most popular PHP framework and the most watched PHP projects. Laravel uses a Model View Controller (MVC) architecture which makes a  clean readable code.

Some of the common features that made Laravel popular among developers are :

1.Automatic Pagination

The automatic pagination feature in laravel PHP framework takes care of the settings

2.Routing Systems

Laravel php framework offers a choice to the larval developer in selecting the route to trigger on the application. Routes in Laravel are defined in app/HTTP/routes/PHP file. Laravel Framework automatically uploads the file. The route defining method is simple and expressing that accepts a URL and a closure. The user just has to insert the name of the route and the corrected URL will be automatically inserted.

3.Unit Testing

Laravel Php Framework makes the code testing easier with the artisan command line Utility. This feature makes enables developers to write their unit tests easily.

4.Template Engine

Create classy layouts using lightweight Laravel Templates with dynamic content seeding. CSS and JS Code structural widgets are also there to assist.

5.Eloquent ORM

ORM (Object-relational Mapping) which is faster than the other PHP Frameworks.


Laravel contains Pre-installed Object Oriented libraries which no other PHP Frameworks have. Implementation of authentication library is easier, and it also has features such as CSRF (Cross-site Request Forgery) protection, checking active users, Bcrypt hashing, encryption, and password reset.


Laravel contains 20 different libraries which are divided into separate modules that allow the laravel developers to build modular responsive and handy web applications.

“Make your business ideas real with our Laravel Development Solutions..”

Why to choose Votive Technology for Laravel Development?

  • Highly experienced developers
  • Quality products at affordable prices
  • 100% client satisfaction
  • Good knowledge of laravel frame work

We provide Laravel application development for

  • Laravel Custom Web Application Development

Laravel uses MVC(Model, View, & Controller) pattern. So it provides excellent safety features. Creating web application in Laravel is tough, but we have a team of expert Laravel developers who can create a custom web application in Laravel with ease. 

  • Website Migration using Laravel

If you have a website built in Laravel 1.0 and you want to migrate it to Laravel 2.0, then we can help you. Website migration in Laravel is one of our expertise. Hire Laravel migration developer from Votive and get your website migrated in no time.

  • Laravel Template Design and Development

Do you have an idea for your business and want to build a website in Laravel? Then Votive Technology is your final destination. We have talented Laravel developers who can develop and design custom templates in Laravel.

  • Saas App Development

It is the era of Saas App Development, and everyone wants a beautiful Saas App for the business. But creating Software as a Product (SaaS) app is not easy. There are many things to keep in mind when we create a SaaS-based App like architecture, technology etc.

In recent time many developers use Laravel for high-performance SaaS Product because of its great framework.


Why Laravel is the best for Saas App Development

Because Saas applications are multi-user app and Laravel is perfect for building these types of multi-user app module like subscriptions, payments, and admin dashboards.

It Supports Modular App Structure

It uses the MVC pattern, and it gives freeness to developers to build separate modules, and it can be plugged into the main app.

Let suppose you want to create a giveaway for your E-commerce store. For this, you can create a contest module which can quickly plug into the main app and effortlessly plugged out when your giveaway contest is over.

Highly Customizable

Laravel is highly customizable. You can create as many as modules for your app and integrated into the main app.

Simple Third-party Tool Integration

Almost all the developers use API such as payment gateways. Laravel has simple API integration which will help developers. 

  • Social Media Development
  • E-commerce Development
  • RESTful Application
  • Multilingual solution

Our Process

Our Process
Our Process

This is the first step in our web development process. In this phase, we need to have a good understanding of you, your business requirements, goals, targeted audience, etc


During the planning phase, our dedicated web designer and developers will help you decide what technologies suits your project the best. Using the information gathered from the first phase, we will make a plan for your web site. A site map or a prototype will be developed at this time.


In this phase, our experienced web designer will create one or more prototype designs for your web site. This is what the final design will look like. You can view your work progress in this section. Here at Votive Technologies, we work closely with you and exchange ideas, until you arrive at the final design for your web site.


The developmental stage is the phase where the web site itself is created. At this time, our web developers will take all of the individual graphic elements from the prototype and use them to create the functional site.


At this stage, your website will be tested. Our web developers will test things such as the complete functionality of forms or other scripts and also testing for last minute compatibility issues to ensure that your web site is optimized to be viewed properly in the most recent browser versions.


The most effective way to bring repeat visitors to your site is to offer new content or products regularly. We are delighted to continue working together with you, to update the information on your web site.

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Web Experience

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