Top 5 PHP Frameworks for Developer in 2018

PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor is the most chosen programming language in the world to develop dynamic website development and web-based applications. PHP is a server-side scripting language and is embedded in HTML. It is the widely-used, Open Source and efficient alternative to other web development technologies. PHP technology works with framework and runs on a web server. Features like security, user-friendly, Speed optimization etc. PHP is independent language platform and is compatible with almost every web server. Ability of learning also gives PHP development a big edge. PHP makes the application highly usable and proficient.
Below are the top 5 PHP framework technology described:

Laravel is more popular than other PHP frameworks. It is an open source framework and enables developers to speed up web application development without increasing project overheads. It scores more than other frameworks in the categories of performance and scalability.
Key features of Laravel :
• New directory structure
• Route caching
• Authentication
• Multiple file system
• Unit testing is provided as an integral part of Laravel
• Template engine
• E-mailing
• Laravel framework Technology

It is one of the most favourite web development technologies is PHP, which comes with many more branches leading to possibilities of top-class web application development. Codeigniter is an open source framework that comprehensively serves you with all the efficient properties and the simple approach to build a solution using PHP. It is easy-to-use system proponents and simple interface allows swift and flawless development. It contains libraries, easy interface and logical structure to access these libraries, plug-ins, helpers and other resources to solve the complex functions of PHP more simply maintaining a high performance.
Key features of Codeigniter:
• Framework with a small Footprint
• Minimum Configuration
• MVC is optional
• Pagination
• Full Page Caching
• Error Logging
• Application Profiling
• Calendaring Class
• User Agent Class
• Zip Encoding Class

Symfony is a free open source framework that is written in PHP programming language, based on Model View Controller. The most prominent feature of Symfony is that it boasts a highly flexible architecture, which makes it a first choice for the web programmers. The flexible architecture of the application inspires and encourages the countless online websites owners to go for it. Symfony development offers compatibility with many databases like- MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL server. There are numerous newest features associated with Symfony web application development.
Key features of Symfony :
• FrameworkBundle
• Twig
• Serializer
• Cache
• Console Routing
• DependencyInjection
• VarDumper
• WebProfiler Bundle
• PhpUnit Bridge
• Form

Zend framework is an open source and object-oriented web application framework that you can implement with PHP 5. It offers individual components for many other common requirements in web application development. It also seeks to promote web development best practices in the PHP. It contains various beneficial features that make web development process easy and fast. Apart from it’s another beneficial library components, reusable code and MVC designs.
Key features of Zend:
• Pure object-oriented web application framework
• Advanced MVC implementation
• Supports multi-databases including PostgreSQL, SQLite etc.,
• Simple cloud API
• Session management
• Data encryption
• Ideal for enterprise applications
• Tons of components for validation, feeds, and forms.

CakePHP is an open source framework which offers a rapid application development platform to web developers. CakePHP allows web development companies to develop highly robust and featured websites by using simple procedures. It is built in MVC pattern along with the model class.
Key features of CakePHP:
• User-Friendly Tool
• Safe and Secure
• Extensive safekeeping tools include cross-site
• Good Documentation
• Scripting prevention and SQL Injection prevention
• Clean MVC Conventions

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